Another benefit of electric bird repellent system according to Nebraska university..
Electric shock bird control systems (Shock-TapeTM,Avi-AwayTM, FlyawayTM, and Verte- brate Repellent System [VRSTM]) are available for repelling many species of birds, including pigeons. The systems consist of a cable durably embedded in plastic with two electrical conductors. Mounting and grounding hardware and a control unit are included. The conductors carry a pulsating electric charge.
When pigeons make contact with the conductors and the cable, they receive a shock that repels but does not kill them. The cable can be in- stalled in situations also suitable for porcupine wires and stretched steel wires or monofilament lines. Although these devices and their installation are usually labor intensive and/or expen- sive, their effectiveness in some cases justifies the investment. These devices have a life span of 8 years on residen- tial structures.